02/13/05 04:26 AM
Re: Indianmeds4u 25% more product for VIP's


I guess I hit a Nerve amongst a few???

I have finished 2/3'rd's of Pharmacy School and the 1st 2 years of Medical School and worked in a Hospital for 4 years. I have to have GOOD to GREAT References, to make the Grade!

No matter how many websites exist, I am not interested, unless the professor states that we are responsible for such information, otherwise, I, and ALL the other Pharmacy and Medical Student's are NOT Interested, we are tested on Textbook Material, Lecture Notes, Physical and History's of Patient's, and Clinical Rotation's of Patient's.

I have to purchase the Textbooks, from which our exams originate from, as did ALL the OP Physician's, that we use on the DB Website.

It is noted, that every individual is different and one medication work's better for some and not as good for others!

The references, in which, I made the statement's from are as follows:

1. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology by Bertram G. Katsung

2. Examinatioin and Board Review Pharmacology by Bertram G. Katsung & Anthony J. Trevor

3. Lippincott's Pharmacology

4. The Pharmacology Companion---A Study Guide for Medical Students written by Medical Students. Published by 'Alert and Oriented'


you stated:

"I thought Klonopin had the longest half life of the benzos?"

I did not take that as an insult, or as an Ignorance Tablet, or anything of the sort. Nor does it bother me that your experience with benzodiazepine's, exceed's my year's on the Face of this Earth! It was just a mention of a benzodiazepine, Klonopin, which you thought had the longest half-life. Of which, I preceeded to provide what information I had on the subject.

All I was presenting, was the information that I and 1000's of other Medical and Pharmacy Student's are being taught. It was directed at everyone who read the post. It was to inform all that read the post. If you mis-understood my presentation of information, than it was mis-understood.

Whether any DB Member's agree or dis-agree, is their own decision. There is just a difference and everybody will determine what they will with the information that has been presented.

I hope you will continue to post, and that is what this DB Website is for. I certainly hope you continue to post. I would hope you do NOT feel as though you should not post for some reason?


Concerning websites, some individual's use Website's, like they were GOD Almighty, yet, we, Pharmacy and Medical Student's Have to use the Textbooks and Lecture Notes, in order to Make the Grade.

We would actually FAIL, if we used an arguement to the professor, that a Website stated a half-life of a certain medication was this or that. We have to go according to the Textbook's and the Lecture Note's. No matter what some or ALL Websites state, that is, if we want to PASS, Pharmacy and Medical School.

So our information differ's! Our resources differ! Yet, we are communicating the differences between what Medical and Pharmacy School's teach, and test according too.

The use of Websites, for the most part, (99.99%), are NOT viable ground's for a 'Winning Arguement' concerning answer's to Exam Question's. It is useless, 99.99% of the time, to argue with the professor, (the professor, using the Textbook and their Lecture Notes), to state that a particular Website, stated one thing or another, and use that as a basis for our answer's on the Exam, would be a losing Arguement!

Yet, there is a Website and it is, One of the BEST Websites on the market, it is called 'Clinical Pharmacology' by Gold Standard Multimedia, now based out of Tampa, Florida. I worked for them and have my name as a participant in the creation of their program. Their Pharmacology Program is almost exclusively, sold to Medical School's and some Pharmacy School's. I would not doubt that their information could and has been used on Exam's, in both, Pharmacy and Medical School Program's. The information is that Accurate!

I just have to go according to what we are taught in Pharmacy and Medical School. Whether it agree's with Websites makes no difference, and ALL the Pharmacy and Medical Student's realize that, and we abide by it, if we want to make the Grade and PASS.



PS: Hopefully, no one has taken offense to this. If so, send a PM. I am NOT interested in starting an Insult War or a Flame WAR. Too Risky . . .

I see that others have had the same questions that I have I am also a health care pro for over 20 years, and your info differs from virtually EVERYTHING that is posted on the web. Personally, what I have in print confirms that clonazepam is a long acting med.

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