(Old Hand)
02/07/05 01:42 PM
Re: Indianmeds4u 25% more product for VIP's



Klonopin, a.k.a. (Clonazepam), is at the other end of the scale. It is one of the Shortest Acting Anxiolytics (of the Benzodiazepine class of medications).

There are 3 types, (in the case of, how long they act upon the body), of Anxiolytics. Instead of using the word Anxiolytics, I'll just say Benzodiazepines, just to make it easier to understand, without too much confusion.

The 3 types, in relation to their lifespan within the body, are listed (categorized) as, Long Acting (1-3 days), Intermediate Acting (10-20 hrs), and Short Acting (2-8 hrs).

Diazepam is 1 of 3 medications that are Long Acting Benzodiazepines.

Diazepam is used for: Anxiety, Muscle Spasms, Alcohol Withdrawal, Status Epilepticus (a type of physiological seizure), of which, this type of physiological seizure, may be brought on by the sudden withdrawal of Diazepam, as well.

Side Effects for ALL Benzodiazepines: Drowsiness, Decreased Cognitive Function, Respiratory Depression, Dizziness, Convulsions (rare), and Rebound Insomnia (withdrawal symptom). All of these Side Effects are consistent with ALL of the Benzodiazepaines, whether they are Long, Intermediate, or Short Acting Benzodiazepines.

Klonopin, also, called Clonazepam, is Primarily for 'Absence or Myoclonic Seizures', and only have a life span of 2 to 8 hrs, therefore, considered a Short Acting Benzodiazepine.

Does that mean, go try to find all the Long Acting Benzodiazepines, of course Not, it depends upon your condition. There are at least 10, if not more, different Benzodiazepine Class Medications, and each one, has a Specific Function (Role).

Determining which one is 'Right' for you, if any of them , combined with your Physiological Condition, can hopefully be decided upon when you have a consult with a physician, here in the USA. Getting a 2nd Opinion is Not a Bad thing and should always be considered.

Or, have a Physician from somewhere, abroad, that is, outside of the USA, help determine what you should be taking and what you should not be taking, in regards, to medication.

Hope everything works out lela, Have a Pain Free Week, if possible.


PS: Anyone who reads this message, understands, they are taking medication for a condition that they are incurring and hopefully, NOT for Recreational Use. The Affect's that many of these medication's have upon a person, in the long run, can be very hazardous.

Yet, it is noted, that medication's are an important mainstay of life and many can not do without some sort of medication. Let's hope it is taken in a Responsible Way, if not, for the Good of you, your family, and your friends, at the Very Least, for the Good of Yourself.

PS: lela, I am NOT pointing you out, I thought I would just add a little on to the end. We are all here on the DB Website for a reason and I think 96% of us, understand what that is for. Making Responsible decisions about our medication's are Very Important for us to achieve as Healthy a Longevity (mis-spelled?), as possible.

All I did was ask a simple question, thought maybe I had misread information. I did not need the lecture and accusation but thank you for your concern anyway.
I realize at the end you said you were not "pointing me out". I would hope not. If you had read any of my earlier posts you would not have answered my simple inquiry in this manner. I have as many years of experience with benzos as you have years on this earth. If I want to re-check my information from now on I will just check my PDR and other resources, I will never bother anyone on this board again. Excuse me, once again, for trying to be friendly, helpful and to be part of this board. No need for a reply, I am not seeking attention, just stating once again that I will NEVER answer or ask any questions again.

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